Civil and UNcivil

Hey again, another hot week in the tropics down… only 2 more intense months of heat until things cool down enough to move again.  You have to think positive. There really has not been a lot of excitement in my week to talk about. Now that I can post videos almost in real time the videos are sharing most of the daily stories. What I get to do with the blog is talk about less visual or tangible things, the life of the human mind and thoughts.

So lets dive into random things in my world lately.


The famous yacht “Distant Shores 2” is my new neighbor


Physical Activity

Nothing has changed about the ever present heat down here that rules my life. Interestingly though, I have spoken to a few old boomer sailor couples who have told me that they have been coming to Grenada for hurricane season for years, and they all said this was the hottest August in Grenada they have ever experienced. It seems… lucky me, hottest summer here in a decade.

I am no longer naked dancing on my bow after sunset… too fuckin hot to move. I am no longer playing VR games up on my bow before sunset… too fuckin hot to move. I do get rather bored sometimes, so once I tried to play a VR shooting game inside the shade of the boat sitting down, just moving my “gun” arm around… same results… pools of sweat…  it was just too fucking hot to move after 10 minutes. Honestly when the air temperature is higher than body temperature you really just cannot move.

I was thinking more about how much the heat is killing me, yet many of the old people around me do not seem to be suffering as much as I do. You hear old people in Canada complaining about the cold all the time. I have been thinking about thermogenesis in the human body. As children we are full of energy and generate so much heat. As we age this ability to generate body heat diminishes along with every other part of our physiology. Old people do not generate much body heat, young people do.

I once watched a 10 year old boy run away from home in the dead of the Canadian winter wearing only shorts and a T-shirt and sandals. In minus 15 degrees C and in falling snow, I followed the kid for an hour, (it was my job as a special care worker for behavioral children) he was never cold. After an hour I finally pushed him into a snow bank, another twenty minutes later he turned to me and said “hey Lexi… its a bit cold out here let’s go home now“…!   Young people generate body heat.

I have also been in Canada on a lovely spring day (defined as plus 10 deg C) and was walking with an old man friend of mine. I was wearing shorts and t-shirt and running shoes, it was a lovely day out. He was wearing a winter parka and gloves and a hat and complaining about how cold he was. I cannot help but think about these things lately.

It saddens me a little, that my wild naked dancing on deck has come to an end. Although it was a wildly uncivilized thing for me to be doing, it did feel wonderfully savage. Wild and free has been replaced by hot and sweaty 24/7. All physical activity has been cancelled due to heat until further notice. No hiking either.



I have just spent a year in Antigua, a former British colony, and now I have been down in Grenada for a month now, also a former British colony. I cannot help but make some comparisons. There was something that just struck me as odd when I first arrived here that I could not quite put my finger on. I sat at anchor in Prickly bay and looked around at the surrounding hills and just had a weird feeling about it. It took me a while to figure out what felt different.

In Antigua, which is quite full of rich people, the average Antiguan lives in a shack. Usually a rusty shack. In Grenada, everyone lives in a nice house, not JUST the rich people.

I have driven around Grenada a fair amount now, away from the rich white people places. I have driven past average neighbourhoods, same as I had done in Antigua.  I have mingled with the average local island inhabitants of both islands and spoken with them. Both peoples are fairly well educated. Both peoples are civilized kind and polite. So I cannot help but wonder why these two British spawn have developed so differently in just the last 60 years or so?

I had spoken with many locals in Antigua while I was there and watched their parliament on TV. What I had learned about Antigua, from locals, is that they tell me…   “ohh Lexi…  sure Antigua looks glossy and pretty at first… as a visitor…  but after a while you will learn about how corrupt de government is… dey sell everything to the rich people…“. The Antiguan government has been on a path of political corruption for decades. Bless me and my tribe and fuck the greater good of my people. Antiguan politicians are mostly corrupt. I have learned the only way to get anything done in Antigua is to have good political connections.

Decades of this stink inside their political spectrum has not done well for the average Antiguan citizen. There is good reason protests have broken out on the streets up there recently.

It seems though… and forgive me for forming this opinion early here, the Grenadian government has not fallen prey to such personal greed. It seems the system here really is applied fairly to everyone. The rules apply equally to everyone. The government does seem to have had the best interest of ALL the people at heart for decades now…. and it shows. Their entire society is better than Antigua. From the quality of the roads and schools and public buildings… to the condition of the “average” home.



Visually you can see just by looking that their infrastructure and quality of life is higher.

What had been distressing me about looking around the anchorage in Prickly bay was how fancy nice well built and clean everything in the surrounding hills was. How good the infrastructure everywhere is. When at anchor in Prickly bay, despite the palm trees, you get the feeling you might be anchored in Canada.

I would say that Grenada is more civilized than Antigua.

Maybe Canada should adopt Grenada, our countries and societies are so similar.


Dem Chicks be Crazy

So this is gonna be a long random thought here….

skip it if you have no interest in the human condition. 

I know that I sometimes get all lost in my anti-man, men suck bias…. but today… its time for a women suck rant.


I must caveat all this by saying I have never felt jealousy in my entire life. It is not an emotion I understand.

Recently my friend “Alex the Artist“, who is a Dominican, living in Antigua, began texting me randomly out of the blue. His first language is Spanish and his English writing/texting is not very good. At first I was mostly confused by why he would suddenly be texting me out of the blue like this… and making no sense to boot.

A few months ago I had tried to hire him to do the artwork for my latest book. He was too busy and never got back to me, instead I found an American girl to do the art for me. Case closed months ago.

I couldn’t figure out why he began texting me now… and why his texts were making no sense.

It seems… after a week of this weird crazy behaviour…  that he voice messaged me today… he tells me he has not texted me at all for months… his crazy jealous Dominican girlfriend has been going thru his phone…  posing as him…  and contacting every girl in his phone trying to dig up proof Alex has been cheating on her.




The old man friend I lost in Antigua a few months ago also had a jealous wife who later wrote me a scathing and vicious email after the “sunburn picture” incident.

About a year ago… some random Mexican lady named Andrea emailed me out of the blue. Wanted to be my friend, told me how much she admired me. She wished she could have 10% of the strength and courage I have. I was her role model and hero. She befriended me and we emailed / texted for a month or so.

She kept steering the conversations around to how I am wrong for ever having ANY male friends… ever. Men and Women cannot just be friends she assures me. Latin culture is so highly sexualized it is no wonder jealousy runs rampant in it.

Well… to shorten the story… she created a fake online identity and pretended to be the “wife” of one of my male friends. In this disguised identity, she went on all this craziness about how I was talking to her “husband” and ruining their marriage… think about the children… I am being a home wrecker…   made death threats to me. It was a lot of crazy for me to figure out.

I personally am not a home wrecker or a cheater and would never knowingly be with anyone who already had a partner. I contacted all the male friends I had and asked them all if their wives might be this mysterious jealous crazy woman. The woman never could name who her husband was…  and eventually I figured out it was Andrea. So much crazy from dem chicks… and she didn’t even have a boyfriend..!   How fucked up is that…?


Teddy agrees… people are crazy… I am glad he is not


I don’t want to dig too far back…. but remember the Evil monkey…  Michel… my boyfriend I left Canada with. Well he was a manipulative con man to be sure. As he was divorcing his wife she had begun to stalk me and do / say all kinds of crazy shit. I always tried to stay the fuck out of their divorce as it had nothing to do with me.

Well… two years after their divorce…   his ex-wife…   still stalking me… found my website and YouTube channel. She invented a fake online identity… befriended me…  and…  posing as this other woman….    began trying to steer me into weird conversations about how my relationship with Michel began…   Pretended to be someone else to mislead and manipulate me for a month.


Women can be so manipulative and crazy when they get gripped by jealousy.

What irritates me… is why do I have to deal with it…?   Why are these crazy chics going after me? I am not/ did not/ will not sleep with or steal their boyfriends or husbands. If their boyfriends or husbands are the cheating kind… then dump their asses and move on. It is not in my nature to cheat. I have never knowingly slept with, nor hit on, anybody who had a partner already. I am a very civilized girl with morals and ethics to guide me.

but therein lies the rub huh…  so few people do.

It seems… like maybe 80% of the populations outside of Canada can/will/do cheat on their partners. It seems that because people do lie cheat manipulate and have no moral compunction or grounds to prevent such uncivilized behaviors it makes them act crazy. I never had to deal with this stuff in Canada, I never encountered it there.



I never have trouble making friends with civilized people, male or female.  If their marriage is secure my gender has nothing to do with it. I could hang out with my boat dad all I want without it ever being an issue. Boat mom is secure in their marriage. All of my sailor friends who are men are in secure marriages and my gender never matters.

Weirdly… I am bisexual… and none of the husbands have ever been jealous about me hanging out with their wives.   hmmm…

Ohhh… here is another fun one…

Remember in the last blog I said I met an American solo sailor man down here and we were trying to be friends… but he is in love with me…    IT EXPLODED

The next day after posting that blog Craig seemed to think it would be a good idea to go to a bar, get drunk and text me. Drunk texting is never the good idea you think it is. To be respectful I will not reproduce the entire nights text string for you here. Let us suffice it to say it baffled and confused me. I let boat mom and dad read it. Mom told me “the guy is just creepy Lexi… stay away from him“. Boat dad read it all and just said “yeah… he will say anything to get in your pants Lexi… he should just go pay for a girl… he only wants sex“. Words mean nothing to people who are disingenuine.

Craig would contradict himself a few lines apart, say something, then the opposite a minute later. It was clear the uncivilized man was just trying to use whatever words it took to get my pussy.

I have a university degree in Psychology

and people still make no sense to me

Solo Sailing

Well yesterday I decided to solo sail around the corner to a different bay, mostly out of boredom.



Last Tuesday I summoned my courage and went alone to the Tuesday night Trivia at the Prickly bay marina.  There I met a few sailors I did know and made a few new sailor friends. While there I made new sailor friends who also knew a fair bit about the surrounding bays. Never one to turn away from free local knowledge I was happy to listen and learn all I could about areas around me.


Tuesday night Trivia team “foreplay wanted”


So between the local morning cruisers net and my new sailor friends I began my information gathering about my surroundings.

Here is what I have learned…


Grenada cruiser information gleaned


Yesterday I moved from Prickly bay around to Woburn bay.

You can click here to see the YouTube video just posted about that lovely day sailing yesterday.

What is very difficult is that there are several different names for the same places. Like local names and map names and they are not always the same. So it gets confusing. I keep hearing about places on the morning cruisers radio net but have no idea where these places are. Slowly I am getting edified and learning slowly. We will adventure together and learn about these places.

For now this is where I am currently…


Notice some of these names are different than the map above…


I do hear that the place around the corner from me called La Phare Blue has a pool they will let cruisers use for free. Also I think I am getting closer to some mysterious place called the cruisers galley that has a free pool table and women’s pool tournaments. I would like to find it and try that out in the near term future.

I must brag about the fact that I solo sailed onto anchor yesterday. This is a very impressive feat, that is super hard to do. It is a very technical and skilled sailor thing to do. My teddy bear was very proud of me. I was kind of impressed too that I pulled it off… considering how crowded this place is.

From here we will begin exploring around by dinghy soon. Also there are a few good reefs worth diving (snorkeling for you pretentious dicks who think the term diving can only mean scuba and excludes snorkeling). I hope to get some good underwater video for my channel soon. I have been diving reefs for years now but most of the footage has been archived. I am excited to post some of the snorkeling footage soon.

Another side note….

Antigua just went into soft lockdown today. It seems they are having a Covid Delta variant outbreak right now. In the last week it has climbed up to a total of 30 positive Covid cases for the entire country. I am hearing that there was a booze cruise for a mix of tourists and locals where the outbreak started. It seems to be spreading. So it seems we are now on a 9pm to 5am curfew again. No gathering of more than 20 people. This morning on the cruisers net it was full of cancellations of social events.

Although a yacht in the Caribbean is a good place to hide out from the ravages of Covid… it is not a perfect plan. Although 30 Covid cases on an island with 200 thousand people on it is not a concerning number for me personally, it does put a damper on the fun.

I live a rather solitary and lonely life with only my teddy bear for company. I do not worry about getting Covid from him. Honestly I do not much worry about Covid at all. If it catches and kills me…   fuck it…   I don’t care.


Cheers Sailors…


Wild Captain Lexi


…..  the lonely weirdo …….