Not so scared anymore…

Well…. it is the day after Michel left the boat.

WildChild at anchor in Marsh Harbor after Michel left and Lexi is alone on the boat

I slept alone on the boat and there was rough weather last night in the anchorage. I slept lightly as always in rough weather, captain is always tuned into the boat.

I woke up this morning… and discovered…   maybe I am okay!

The boat is so peaceful without him on it….  the energy in the boat is gentle and calm. Despite the strong winds outside the boat the atmosphere inside the boat is serene, without tension.      I like it….  my peaceful soul is finally at rest.

The sun is shinning intermittently between cloud bursts of scattered rain. The boat is moving around a fair amount on her hook but with both anchors set I feel confident she is safe and will not drag.

Today I will spend the whole day on the boat working on YouTube videos for you guys (episode 50 going thru New York city). When it is rough outside like this it is unwise to leave your boat unattended. I found I actually don’t mind living alone, I kind of enjoy it, the tranquility, I miss this.

As my emotions are calmer today my spirit is starting to feel like maybe I can do this (with the help of Crew). Well… the good news is that I had put an ad up on a website called  awhile ago when I first told Michel to leave. Eventually I found someone cool.

The big announcement is that Captain Lexi has crew coming and the adventure will continue in a new form. The new crew is a German girl around my age named Elena who is backpacking around in South American right now. She seems kind and gentle and adventurous. She has no (Zero) sailing experience so I will have to teach her all that.

I am going to be a sailing instructor again for the next month and help Elena build her skills. I will have someone to teach all the little details about handling WildChild to Elena but she seems like an eager student. Once she gets her skills and confidence up on small day sails we will start jumping south again and get below the hurricane belt before July.

WildChild will have an all girl crew…  that’s kind of cool…  who says girls can’t do this? Why not…   ?    Whether we are brave or crazy will be for you to decide…  I don’t think there are many all girl boats out here…  I have never seen one yet…

but….   I’m thinking maybe we have the courage to go forth and explore this Caribbean sea… look for new adventures… and see where the path takes us…     despite my nervous fear…

Today is a good day.



slightly stronger today

Captain  Lexi